Change detection from synthetic aperture radar images becomes a key technique to detect change area related to some phenomenon as flood and deformation of the earth surface. This paper proposes a transfer learning and Residual Network with 18 layers (ResNet-18) architecture-based method for change detection from two synthetic aperture radar images. Before the application of the proposed technique, batch denoising using convolutional neural network is applied to the two input synthetic aperture radar image for speckle noise reduction. To validate the performance of the proposed method, three known synthetic aperture radar datasets (Ottawa; Mexican and for Taiwan Shimen datasets) are exploited in this paper. The use of these datasets is important because the ground truth is known, and this can be considered as the use of numerical simulation. The detected change image obtained by the proposed method is compared using two image metrics. The first metric is image quality index that measures the similarity ratio between the obtained image and the image of the ground truth, the second metrics is edge preservation index, it measures the performance of the method to preserve edges. Finally, the method is applied to determine the changed area using two Sentinel 1 B synthetic aperture radar images of Eddahbi dam situated in Morocco.
Ключевые слова:
SAR images; change detection; transfer learning; residual network.
Поступила в редакцию: 03.09.2020 Принята в печать: 06.04.2021