Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Итоги науки и техники. Серия «Проблемы геометрии. Труды геометрического семинара» // Архив

Тр. Геом. семин., 1971, том 3, страницы 95–114 (Mi intg30)

Эта публикация цитируется в 2 статьях

Распределения $m$-мерных линейных элементов в пространстве проективной связности. II

Н. М. Остиану

Аннотация: This paper is a continuation of the paper by G. F. Laptev and N. M. Ostianu [2]. The study of distribution is continued, but the attention is paid mainly to constructions depending only on so called fundamental subobject of the distribution. In § 1 is proved that the sequence of fundamental objects admits a sequence of subobjects (fundamental subobjects). In § 2–4 objects are constructed which determine fields of invariant planes intrinsically related to the distribution and defined by the fundamental subobjects. In § 5 systems of hyperquadrics defined by the fundamental subobjects of the distribution are considered. In § 6 the similarity between the geometry of surfaces and geometry of distributions is indicated.
Библ. 3.

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