We study an eigenvalue distribution of the adjacency matrix $A^{(N,p, \alpha)}$ of the weighted random bipartite graph $\Gamma= \Gamma_{N,p}$. We assume that the graph has $N$ vertices, the ratio of parts is $\displaystyle\frac{\alpha}{1-\alpha}$, and the average number of the edges attached to one vertex is $\alpha p$ or $(1-\alpha) p$. To every edge of the graph $e_{ij}$, we assign the weight given by a random variable $a_{ij}$ with all moments finite.
We consider the moments of the normalized eigenvalue counting measure $\sigma_{N,p, \alpha}$ of $A^{(N,p, \alpha)}$. The weak convergence in probability of the normalized eigenvalue counting measures is proved.
Ключевые слова и фразы:random bipartite graph, eigenvalue distribution, counting measure.