Products of nucleophilic substitution for one NO2 group in 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene were selectively reduced to 3-X-5-nitroanilines (X CF3CH2O, PhO, PhS), which were converted by condensation with EtOCHC(COOEt)2 to the respective enamines; acidcatalysed cyclization of the latter gives esters of X-substituted 4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acids. The cyclization direction depends on the substituent type: ortho (X CF3CH2O or PhO) or para (X PhS) with respect to NO2. N-Ethylation of these esters followed by hydrolysis gives the corresponding N-ethyl-5(7)-X-7(5)-nitroquinolinecarboxylic acids.