Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Mendeleev Communications // Архив

Mendeleev Commun., 1995, том 5, выпуск 5, страницы 202–203 (Mi mendc5100)

Эта публикация цитируется в 2 статьях

The Effect of the Surface Activity of Soluble Condensation Nuclei on the Thermodynamics of Heterogeneous Nucleation in Vapours

F. M. Kunia, A. K. Shchekinb, T. M. Yakovenkoc, A. I. Rusanovb

a Department of Statistical Physics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
b Mendeleev Center, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
c Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Аннотация: The influence of the surface activity of nuclear matter on the vapour chemical potential at the threshold of barrierless heterogeneous nucleation has been analysed taking into account the lateral interactions in the adsorbed monolayer of nuclear matter on the drop surface; the results obtained are valid within a wide size range for a condensation nucleus soluble in the drop arising on the nucleus from a vapour.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.1070/MC1995v005n05ABEH000526

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