The results of the theoretical solution of the problem of braking a supersonic flow in a round
pipe based on direct numerical simulation by integrating the Navier – Stokes equations without
the use of additional models and empirical constants are shown. Shaded maps of density distribu-
tion depending on flow parameters are presented. The flow consists of successive rhombus-shaped
shock waves distributed along the entire length of the channel. It is determined that the size of
x-shaped structures depends on the flow parameters. At a lower Mach number, the rhombuses
have a smaller size and, accordingly, their number increases along the length of the channel. The
Reynolds number also affects the size of structures, however, it is less pronounced. With a lower
Reynolds number, x-shaped structures have a smaller size. It is shown that over time the flow
tends to a stationary state.
Ключевые слова:
direct numerical simulation, Navier – Stokes equations, supersonic flows, high-order approximation, Reynolds number, Mach number