In this paper, we consider the minimum time problem for a space rocket whose
dynamics is given by a control-affine system with drift. The admissible control set is a disc. We
study extremals in the neighbourhood of singular points of the second order. Our approach is
based on applying the method of a descending system of Poisson brackets and the Zelikin –
Borisov method for resolution of singularities to the Hamiltonian system of Pontryagin’s
maximum principle. We show that in the neighbourhood of any singular point there is a family
of spiral-like solutions of the Hamiltonian system that enter the singular point in a finite time,
while the control performs an infinite number of rotations around the circle.
Ключевые слова:
Hamiltonian system of Pontryagin’s maximum principle, singular extremal, control-affine system with drift, descending system of Poisson brackets, resolution of singularity, blow-up, coupled attitude orbit problem.