Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Сибирские электронные математические известия // Архив

Сиб. электрон. матем. изв., 2005, том 2, страницы 264–290 (Mi semr32)


$\overline\partial$-замкнутое продолжение $CR$-форм с особенностями на порождающем многообразии

Т. Н. Никитина

Красноярский государственный технический университет

Аннотация: Let $\Gamma$ be a smooth generic manifold with nonzero Levi form in a domain of holomorphy $\Omega\subset\mathbb C^n$, $n>1$. Let $\Omega_\Gamma\subset\Omega$ be the domain adjacent to $\Gamma$ to which all $CR$-forms defined on $\Gamma$ extend $\overline\partial$-closely. Let $K=\hat K_\Omega\subset\Omega$ be a holomorphically convex compact set. We show that every $CR$-form on $\Gamma\setminus K$ of bidegree $(l,r)$ with coefficients in $C^1(\Gamma\setminus K)$ extends $\overline\partial$-closely to $\Omega_\Gamma\setminus K$. When $n=2$ and $r=0$ the manifold $\Gamma$ must be closed $(\partial\Gamma=0)$. The proof uses an integral representation, obtained from the integral representation of Airapetyan and Khenkin, in which the integration is carried out over the $CR$-manifold $\Gamma$ only (but not over its complement).
In this paper we also consider the problem of $\overline\partial$-closed continuation of $CR$-forms given on $\Gamma\setminus K$, where $\Gamma$ is a generic manifold with nondegenerate Levi form, and $K$ is a meromorphically $p$-convex compactum. We derive some conditions on $\Gamma$, relative to $p$-convexity and $q$-concavity, under which every $CR$-form with smooth coefficients given on $\Gamma\setminus K$ extends $\overline\partial$-closely in some domain $\Omega_\Gamma\setminus K$, where $\Omega_\Gamma$ is a wedge domain with edge $\Gamma$. Our results are local.

УДК: 517.55


Поступила 30 июня 2005 г., опубликована 16 декабря 2005 г.

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