In this work we develop a previously proposed approach
to constructing vector splitting schemes for heat transfer problem solved
by mixed finite element method on rectangular meshes. As was shown
numerically before, a particular flux splitting scheme based the alternating
direction scheme for flux divergence has no convergence for some smooth
test solutions. We provide theoretical analysis of the stability estimates
for the scheme based on the eigensystem information. The main drawback
of that particular flux splitting scheme is the nonzero component of the
heat flux in the kernel of divergence operator.
Based on the analysis and numerical experiments we suggest, explain
and verify numerically that flux splitting schemes obtained from predictor-corrector schemes for flux divergence don’t have this drawback. The main
conclusion is that due to the presence of simple and strong stability
estimates one should prefer using predictor-corrector type of schemes for
the heat flux rather than others.
Ключевые слова:
heat transfer, mixed finite element method, splitting schemes, a priori estimates, predictor-corrector.