Эта публикация цитируется в
7 статьях
The Geometry of Almost Einstein $(2, 3, 5)$ Distributions
Katja Sagerschniga,
Travis Willseb a Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
b Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien, Austria
We analyze the classic problem of existence of Einstein metrics in a given conformal structure for the class of conformal structures inducedf Nurowski's construction by (oriented)
$(2, 3, 5)$ distributions. We characterize in two ways such conformal structures that admit an almost Einstein scale: First, they are precisely the oriented conformal structures
$\mathbf{c}$ that are induced by at least two distinct oriented
$(2, 3, 5)$ distributions; in this case there is a
$1$-parameter family of such distributions that induce
$\mathbf{c}$. Second, they are characterized by the existence of a holonomy reduction to
$\mathrm{SU}(1, 2)$,
$\mathrm{SL}(3, {\mathbb R})$, or a particular semidirect product
$\mathrm{SL}(2, {\mathbb R}) \ltimes Q_+$, according to the sign of the Einstein constant of the corresponding metric. Via the curved orbit decomposition formalism such a reduction partitions the underlying manifold into several submanifolds and endows each ith a geometric structure. This establishes novel links between
$(2, 3, 5)$ distributions and many other geometries – several classical geometries among them – including: Sasaki–Einstein geometry and its paracomplex and null-complex analogues in dimension
$5$; Kähler–Einstein geometry and its paracomplex and null-complex analogues, Fefferman Lorentzian conformal structures, and para-Fefferman neutral conformal structures in dimension
$4$; CR geometry and the point geometry of second-order ordinary differential equations in dimension
$3$; and projective geometry in dimension
$2$. We describe a generalized Fefferman construction that builds from a
$4$-dimensional Kähler–Einstein or para-Kähler–Einstein structure a family of
$(2, 3, 5)$ distributions that induce the same (Einstein) conformal structure. We exploit some of these links to construct new examples, establishing the existence of nonflat almost Einstein
$(2, 3, 5)$ conformal structures for which the Einstein constant is positive and negative.
Ключевые слова:
$(2, 3, 5)$ distribution; almost Einstein; conformal geometry; conformal Killing field; CR structure; curved orbit decomposition; Fefferman construction;
$\mathrm{G}_2$; holonomy reduction; Kähler–Einstein; Sasaki–Einstein; second-order ordinary differential equation.
MSC: 32Q20;
58A30 Поступила: 26 июля 2016 г.; в окончательном варианте
13 января 2017 г.; опубликована
19 января 2017 г.
Язык публикации: английский