For each irreducible module of the symmetric group $\mathcal{S}_{N}$ there is a set of parametrized nonsymmetric Jack polynomials in $N$ variables taking values in the module. These polynomials are simultaneous eigenfunctions of a commutative set of operators, self-adjoint with respect to two Hermitian
forms, one called the contravariant form and the other is with respect to a matrix-valued measure on the $N$-torus. The latter is valid for the parameter
lying in an interval about zero which depends on the module. The author in a previous paper [SIGMA 12 (2016), 033, 27 pages] proved the existence of the measure and that its absolutely continuous part satisfies a system of linear differential equations. In this paper the system is analyzed in detail. The $N$-torus is divided into $(N-1)!$ connected components by the hyperplanes $x_{i}=x_{j}$, $i<j$, which are the singularities of the system. The main result is that the orthogonality measure has no singular part with respect to Haar measure, and thus is given by a matrix function times Haar measure. This function is analytic on each of the connected components.
Ключевые слова:
nonsymmetric Jack polynomials; matrix-valued weight function; symmetric group modules.