We show that the trigonometric solitons of the KP hierarchy enjoy a differential-difference bispectral property,
which becomes transparent when translated on two suitable spaces of pairs of matrices satisfying certain rank one conditions. The result can be seen as a non-self-dual illustration of Wilson's fundamental idea [Invent. Math.133 (1998), 1–41] for understanding the (self-dual) bispectral property of the rational solutions of the KP hierarchy. It also gives a bispectral interpretation of a (dynamical) duality between the hyperbolic
Calogero–Moser system and the rational Ruijsenaars–Schneider system, which was first observed by Ruijsenaars [Comm. Math. Phys.115 (1988), 127–165].
Ключевые слова:
Calogero–Moser type systems; bispectral problems.