Эта публикация цитируется в
9 статьях
Invariants in Separated Variables: Yang–Baxter, Entwining and Transfer Maps
Pavlos Kassotakis Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
We present the explicit form of a family of Liouville integrable maps in
$3$ variables, the so-called
triad family of maps and we propose a multi-field generalisation of the latter. We show that by imposing separability of variables to the invariants of this family of maps, the
$H_{\rm I}$,
$H_{\rm II}$ and
$H_{\rm III}^A$ Yang–Baxter maps in general position of singularities emerge. Two different methods to obtain entwining Yang–Baxter maps are also presented. The outcomes of the first method are entwining maps associated with the
$H_{\rm I}$,
$H_{\rm II}$ and
$H_{\rm III}^A$ Yang–Baxter maps, whereas by the second method we obtain non-periodic entwining maps associated with the whole
$F$ and
$H$-list of quadrirational Yang–Baxter maps. Finally, we show how the transfer maps associated with the
$H$-list of Yang–Baxter maps can be considered as the
$(k-1)$-iteration of some maps of simpler form. We refer to these maps as
extended transfer maps and in turn they lead to
$k$-point alternating recurrences which can be considered as alternating versions of some hierarchies of discrete Painlevé equations.
Ключевые слова:
discrete integrable systems, Yang–Baxter maps, entwining maps, transfer maps.
MSC: 14E07,
37K10 Поступила: 16 января 2019 г.; в окончательном варианте
15 июня 2019 г.; опубликована
25 июня 2019 г.
Язык публикации: английский