Superintegrable classical Hamiltonian systems in two-dimensional Euclidean space $E_2$ are explored. The study is restricted to Hamiltonians allowing separation of variables $V(x,y)=V_1(x)+V_2(y)$ in Cartesian coordinates. In particular, the Hamiltonian $\mathcal H$ admits a polynomial integral of order $N>2$. Only doubly exotic potentials are considered. These are potentials where none of their separated parts obey any linear ordinary differential equation. An improved procedure to calculate these higher-order superintegrable systems is described in detail. The two basic building blocks of the formalism are non-linear compatibility conditions and the algebra of the integrals of motion. The case $N=5$, where doubly exotic confining potentials appear for the first time, is completely solved to illustrate the present approach. The general case $N>2$ and a formulation of inverse problem in superintegrability are briefly discussed as well.
Ключевые слова:
integrability in classical mechanics, higher-order superintegrability, separation of variables, exotic potentials.