The global magnificent four theory is the homological version of a maximally supersymmetric $(8+1)$-dimensional gauge theory on a Calabi–Yau fourfold fibered over a circle. In the case of a toric fourfold we conjecture the formula for its twisted Witten index. String-theoretically we count the BPS states of a system of $D0$-$D2$-$D4$-$D6$-$D8$-branes on the Calabi–Yau fourfold in the presence of a large Neveu–Schwarz $B$-field. Mathematically, we develop the equivariant $K$-theoretic DT4 theory, by constructing the four-valent vertex with generic plane partition asymptotics. Physically, the vertex is a supersymmetric localization of a non-commutative gauge theory in $8+1$ dimensions.