We couple two copies of the supersymmetric mKdV hierarchy by means of the algebraic dressing technique. This allows to deduce the whole set of $(N,N)$ supersymmetry transformations of the relativistic sector of the extended mKdV hierarchy and to interpret them as fermionic symmetry flows. The construction is based on an
extended Riemann–Hilbert problem for affine Kac–Moody superalgebras with a half-integer gradation. A generalized set of relativistic-like fermionic local current identities is introduced and it is shown that the simplest one, corresponding to the lowest isospectral times $t_{\pm 1}$ provides the supercharges generating rigid supersymmetry transformations in 2D superspace. The number of supercharges is equal to the dimension of the fermionic kernel of a given semisimple element $E\in\widehat{\mathfrak g}$ which defines both, the
physical degrees of freedom and the symmetries of the model. The general construction is applied to the
$N=(1,1)$ and $N=(2,2)$ sinh-Gordon models which are worked out in detail.