We study a linear spin chain which was originally introduced by Shi et al. [<i>Phys. Rev. A</i> <b>71</b> (2005), 032309, 5 pages], for which the coupling strength contains a parameter $\alpha$
and depends on the parity of the chain site. Extending the model by a second parameter $\beta$, it is shown that the single fermion eigenstates of the Hamiltonian can be computed in explicit form. The components of these eigenvectors turn out to be Hahn polynomials with parameters $(\alpha,\beta)$ and $(\alpha+1,\beta-1)$.
The construction of the eigenvectors relies on two new difference equations for Hahn polynomials.
The explicit knowledge of the eigenstates leads to a closed form expression for the correlation function of the spin chain. We also discuss some aspects of a $q$-extension of this model.
Ключевые слова:
linear spin chain; Hahn polynomial; state transfer.