Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications // Архив

SIGMA, 2011, том 7, 043, 13 стр. (Mi sigma601)

Эта публикация цитируется в 5 статьях

Recursions of Symmetry Orbits and Reduction without Reduction

Andrei A. Malykha, Mikhail B. Sheftelb

a Department of Numerical Modelling, Russian State Hydrometeorlogical University, Malookhtinsky pr. 98, 195196 St. Petersburg, Russia
b Department of Physics, Boğaziçi University 34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

Аннотация: We consider a four-dimensional PDE possessing partner symmetries mainly on the example of complex Monge–Ampère equation (CMA). We use simultaneously two pairs of symmetries related by a recursion relation, which are mutually complex conjugate for CMA. For both pairs of partner symmetries, using Lie equations, we introduce explicitly group parameters as additional variables, replacing symmetry characteristics and their complex conjugates by derivatives of the unknown with respect to group parameters. We study the resulting system of six equations in the eight-dimensional space, that includes CMA, four equations of the recursion between partner symmetries and one integrability condition of this system. We use point symmetries of this extended system for performing its symmetry reduction with respect to group parameters that facilitates solving the extended system. This procedure does not imply a reduction in the number of physical variables and hence we end up with orbits of non-invariant solutions of CMA, generated by one partner symmetry, not used in the reduction. These solutions are determined by six linear equations with constant coefficients in the five-dimensional space which are obtained by a three-dimensional Legendre transformation of the reduced extended system. We present algebraic and exponential examples of such solutions that govern Legendre-transformed Ricci-flat Kähler metrics with no Killing vectors. A similar procedure is briefly outlined for Husain equation.

Ключевые слова: Monge-Ampère equation; partner symmetries; symmetry reduction; non-invariant solutions; anti-self-dual gravity; Ricci-flat metric.

MSC: 35Q75; 83C15

Поступила: 29 января 2011 г.; в окончательном варианте 25 апреля 2011 г.; опубликована 29 апреля 2011 г.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.3842/SIGMA.2011.043

Реферативные базы данных:
ArXiv: 1005.0153

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