Combined Reduced-Rank Transform
Anatoli Torokhti,
Phil Howlett School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of South Australia, Australia
We propose and justify a new approach to constructing optimal nonlinear transforms of random vectors. We show that the proposed transform improves such characteristics of rank-reduced transforms as compression ratio, accuracy of decompression and reduces required computational work. The proposed transform
$\mathcal T_p$ is presented in the form of a sum with
$p$ terms where each term is interpreted as a particular rank-reduced transform. Moreover, terms in
$\mathcal T_p$ are represented as a combination of three operations
$\mathcal F_k$,
$\mathcal Q_k$ and
$\varphi_k$ with
$k=1,\dots,p$. The prime idea is to determine
$\mathcal F_k$ separately, for each
$k=1,\dots,p$, from an associated rank-constrained minimization problem similar to that used in the Karhunen–Loève transform. The operations
$\mathcal Q_k$ and
$\varphi_k$ are auxiliary for finding
$\mathcal F_k$. The contribution of each term in
$\mathcal T_p$ improves the entire transform performance. A corresponding unconstrained nonlinear optimal transform is also considered. Such a transform is important in its own right because it is treated as an optimal filter without signal compression. A rigorous analysis of errors associated with the proposed transforms is given.
Ключевые слова:
best approximation; Fourier series in Hilbert space; matrix computation.
MSC: 41A29 Поступила: 25 ноября 2005 г.; в окончательном варианте
22 марта 2006 г.; опубликована
7 апреля 2006 г.
Язык публикации: английский