This is a sequel to [SIGMA9 (2013), 007, 23 pages], in which there is a construction of a $2\times2$ positive-definite matrix function $K (x)$ on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. The entries of $K(x)$ are expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions. This matrix is used in the formula for a Gaussian inner product related to the standard module of the rational Cherednik algebra for the group $W (B_{2})$ (symmetry group of the square) associated to the ($2$-dimensional) reflection representation. The algebra has two parameters: $k_{0}$, $k_{1}$. In the previous paper $K$ is determined up to a scalar, namely, the normalization constant. The conjecture stated there is proven in this note. An asymptotic formula for a sum of $_{3}F_{2}$-type is derived and used for the proof.