Ordered $*$-Semigroups and a $C^*$-Correspondence for a Partial Isometry
Berndt Brenken Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Canada T2N 1N4
$*$-semigroups are associated with the universal
$C^*$-algebra generated by a partial isometry, which is itself the universal
$C^*$-algebra of a
$*$-semigroup. A fundamental role for a
$*$-structure on a semigroup is emphasized, and ordered and matricially ordered
$*$-semigroups are introduced, along with their universal
$C^*$-algebras. The universal
$C^*$-algebra generated by a partial isometry is isomorphic to a relative Cuntz–Pimsner
$C^*$-algebra of a
$C^*$-correspondence over the
$C^*$-algebra of a matricially ordered
$*$-semigroup. One may view the
$C^*$-algebra of a partial isometry as the crossed product algebra associated with a dynamical system defined by a complete order map modelled by a partial isometry acting on a matricially ordered
Ключевые слова:
$C^*$-algebras; partial isometry;
$*$-semigroup; partial order; matricial order; completely positive maps;
$C^*$-correspondence; Schwarz inequality; exact
MSC: 46L05;
46L55 Поступила: 30 августа 2013 г.; в окончательном варианте
22 мая 2014 г.; опубликована
31 мая 2014 г.
Язык публикации: английский