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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Theoretical and Applied Mechanics // Архив

Theor. Appl. Mech., 2021, том 48, выпуск 2, страницы 257–272 (Mi tam101)

Classical solutions for a class of nonlinear wave equations

Svetlin Georgieva, Karima Mebarkib, Khaled Zennircd

a Department of Differential Equations, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
b Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of Bejaia, Bejaia, Algeria
c Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées et de Modélisation, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Guelma, Algérie
d Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences and Arts, Qassim University, Ar-Rass, Saudi Arabia

Аннотация: We study a class of initial value problems subject to nonlinear partial differential equations of hyperbolic type. A new topological approach is applied to prove the existence of nontrivial nonnegative solutions. More precisely, we propose a new integral representation of the solutions for the considered initial value problems and using this integral representation we establish existence of classical solutions for the considered classes of nonlinear wave equations.

Ключевые слова: hyperbolic equations, nonnegative solution, fixed point, cone, sum of operators.

УДК: 47H10, 58J20

Поступила в редакцию: 23.11.2020
Принята в печать: 01.10.2021

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.2298/TAM201123013G

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