Chemically reacting fluid flow induced by an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate in a magnetic field and variable temperature via LTT and FEM
In this research paper, we found both numerical and analytical solutions for the effect of chemical reaction on unsteady, incompressible, viscous fluid flow past an exponentially accelerated vertical plate with heat absorption and variable temperature in a magnetic field.
The flow problem is governed by a system of coupled non-linear partial differential equations with suitable boundary conditions.
We have solved the governing equations by an efficient, accurate, powerful finite element method (FEM) as well as Laplace transform technique (LTT).
The evaluation of the numerical results are performed and graphical results for the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles within the boundary layer are discussed.
Also, the expressions for the skin-friction, Nusselt number and the Sherwood number coefficients have been derived and discussed through graphs and tabular forms for different values of the governing parameters.
Ключевые слова:
chemical reaction, MHD, finite element technique, Laplace transform technique.