The Cramér-Lundberg model with stochastic premiums which is natural generalization of classical dynamic risk model is considered.
Using martingale technique the Lundberg inequality for ruin probability is proved and characteristic equations for Lundberg coefficients
are presented for certain classes of stochastic premiums and claims.
The simple diffusion and de Vylder approximations for the ruin probability are introduced and investigated similarly to classical Cramér-Lundberg set-up. The weak and strong invariance principles for risk
processes with stochastic premiums are discussed. Certain variants
of the strong invariance principle for risk process are proved under
various assumptions on claim size distributions. Obtained results are
used for investigation the rate of growth of the risk process and its
increments. Various modifications of the LIL and Erdös-Renyi-type
SSLN are proved both for the cases of small and large claims.
Ключевые слова:Risk models, ruin probability; Lundberg’s inequality, random sums, Lévy processes, stable processes, invariance principle, domain of attraction,
randomly stopped process, law of iterated logarithm, almost sure convergence.