Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова // Архив

Тр. МИАН СССР, 1975, том 136, страницы 302–311 (Mi tm2654)

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Singular potentials and their applications to composite models of hadrons with indefinitely rising Regge trajectories

[Singular potentials and their applications to composite models of hadrons with indefinitely rising regge trajectories]

A. T. Filippov


Аннотация: The origin of singular potentials in polynomial and non-polynomial field theories is briefly discussed. The basic properties of the Schroedinger equation with such potentials are considered in some details with an emphasis on a new class of singular potentials which have a singularity for some finite value of $r\ne0$. These potentials (called FRS-potentials) are of particular interest for composite models of hadrons and seem to be connected with statistical bootstrap models. Some qualitative applications of FRS-potentials to composite models are briefly considered.
Библ. – 14 назв.

УДК: 530.145.1

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