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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Ural Mathematical Journal // Архив

Ural Math. J., 2023, том 9, выпуск 1, страницы 153–161 (Mi umj196)

The minimal dominating sets in a directed graph and the key indicators set of socio-economic system

Ruslan Yu. Simanchevab, Inna V. Urazovaa, Vladimir V. Voroshilova

a Omsk State University
b Omsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Аннотация: The paper deals with a digraph with non-negative vertex weights. A subset $W$ of the set of vertices is called dominating if any vertex that not belongs to it is reachable from the set $W$ within precisely one step. A dominating set is called minimal if it ceases to be dominating when removing any vertex from it. The paper investigates the problem of searching for a minimal dominating set of maximum weight in a vertex-weighted digraph. An integer linear programming model is proposed for this problem. The model is tested on random instances and the real problem of choosing a family of key indicators in a specific socio-economic system. The paper compares this model with the problem of choosing a dominating set with a fixed number of vertices.

Ключевые слова: combinatorial optimization, boolean programming, minimal dominating set, key indicators.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.15826/umj.2023.1.014

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