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Anakhov Sergei Vadimovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1996)

Speciality: 01.04.14 (Heating physics and theoretical heating engineering)
Birth date: 10.05.1965
Phone: +79028766904
Keywords: plasmatron, design, gas dynamics, gas vortex stabilization, numerical modeling, efficiency, air plasma cutting
UDC: 533.924, 536.244.621.785.5.6, 533; 621.791


Development of scientific foundations for the design of plasma torches and their application in industrial and environmental technologies, heat and mass transfer in solids, problems of industrial and environmental safety.

Main publications:
  1. Anakhov S.V., Printsipy i metody proektirovaniya plazmotronov, Izd-vo Ros. gos. prof.-ped. un-ta, Ekaterinburg, 2018
  2. Anakhov S.V., Pykin Yu.A., Plazmotrony: problema akusticheskoi bezopasnosti. Teplofizicheskie i gazodinamicheskie printsipy proektirovaniya maloshumnykh plazmotronov., RIO UrO RAN, Ekaterinburg, 2012
  3. S.V. Anakhov, Yu.A. Pykin, A.V. Matushkin, “Narrow Jet Plasma as the Energy Efficient and Safe Technology for Metal Cutting”, Solid State Phenomena (Material Science Forum)., Volume 870 (2016), p. 523-527
  4. Anakhov S., Singer X., Singer W., Wen H., “Gases and RRR distribution in high purity niobium EB welded in Ultra-High Vacuum”, Proceedings ISOHIM-2005, V.837, AIP, New-York, USA, 2006, p.71-85
  5. S.V. Anakhov, N.N. Alekseenko, Yu.A. Pykin, S.I. Fominykh, “Metod rascheta temperaturnykh polei v protsesse plazmennoi zakalki so skanirovaniem”, Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, T.32:#1 (1994), S.40-43

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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