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Tarakanov Valerii Evgen'evich
Senior Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1983)

Birth date: 13.03.1934


Extremal and enumeration problems of combinatorcial analysis and graph theory. Finite algebraic structures.

Main publications:
  1. V. E. Tarakanov, “On an approach to the solution of the discrete logarithm problem by means of rational approximations”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 10, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2007, 301–313  mathnet
  2. V. E. Tarakanov, “Divisibility properties of points on elliptic curves over finite field”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 4, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2001, 243–258  mathnet
  3. V. N. Sachkov, V. E. Tarakanov, Combinatorics of nonnegative matrices, Progress in Theoretical and Applied Discrete Mathematics, 2, TVP, Moscow, 2000 , 448 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
  4. V. E. Tarakanov, Combinatorial problems and $(0,1)$-matrices, Problems of Science and Technological Progress, “Nauka”, Moscow, 1985 , 192 pp. (Russian)  mathscinet
  5. V. E. Tarakanov, “Maximum height of arbitrary classes of $(0,1)$-matrices and some of its applications”, Math. USSR-Sb., 21:3 (1973), 467–484  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus

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