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Syrodoy Samen Vladimirovich
Candidate of technical sciences (2014)

Speciality: 01.04.14 (Heating physics and theoretical heating engineering)
Birth date: 13.04.1988
Keywords: Ignition, combustion, numerical methods.


Mathematical modeling, physics of burning solid and liquid fuels, phase transformations.

Main publications:
  1. Kuznetsov G. V. , Salomatov V. V. , Syrodoy S. V, “Numerical Simulation of Ignition of Particles of a Coal–Water Fuel”, Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 51:10 (2015), 16–21
  2. Kuznetsov G. V., Salomatov V. V., Syrodoy S. V, “he Influence of Heat Transfer Conditions on the Parameters Characterizing the Ignition of CoalWater Fuel Particles”, Thermal Engineering, 62:10 (2015), 703–707  crossref  adsnasa
  3. Kuznetsov G. V. , Salomatov V. V. , Syrodoy S. V, “Effect of the Shape of Particles on the Characteristics of the Ignition of Coal–Water Fuel”, Solid Fuel Chemistry, 49:6 (2015), 365–371  crossref

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