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Matyukhin Leonid M.
Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences (1975)

Speciality: 05.07.05 (Engines, electro-rocket engines, and the energy plants for aircrafts)
Birth date: 12.05.1940
Keywords: piston internal combustion engine, interchange of gases, fuel mode, volumetric ratios of components in the air-fuel-residual gases-mixture.


Alternative thermodynamic base for the computation of the internal combustion engine’s cycle.

Main publications:
  1. Matyukhin L.M., “Evaluation of results for the gas exchange processes by the use of volumetric ratios of air-fuel-residual gases-mixture”, Science and Education, Vela-Verlag, Waldkraiburg, 2015, 337–345
  2. Matyukhin L.M., Analiz napolneniya i teplovoi raschet DVS na baze sostava rabochei smesi, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011
  3. Matyukhin L.M., “Otsenka napolneniya i indikatornykh pokazatelei gazovykh DVS”, Avtogazo-zapravochnyi kompleks + Alternativnoe toplivo, 2012, № 1 (61), 15–18
  4. Matyukhin L.M., “Osobennosti ispolzovaniya koeffitsientov napolneniya «po vozdukhu» i «po smesi» dlya otsenki rezultatov gazoobmena v gazovykh dvigatelyakh”, Transport na alternativnom toplive, 2014, № 4 (40), 38–46
  5. Matyukhin L.M., “Alternativa koeffitsientu napolneniya”, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii Dvigatel-2007, posvyaschennoi 100-letiyu shkoly dvigatelestroeniya MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, 2007, 80–85

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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