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Ospanova Shynar Sabitovna
Senior Lecturer
PhD (2015)

Birth date: 19.09.1987
Phone: 87013801919
Keywords: combustion, liquid fuel, computer simulation, internal combustion engines modeling, liquid fuel, atomization, combustion, turbulence
UDC: 532.517.4


heat and mass transfer problems in the chambers of the internal combustion engines, modeling of the atomization, dispersion and evaporation of droplets of various types of liquid fuel Modeling heat and mass transfer processes in reacting media at high turbulence

Main publications:
  1. A. Askarova, S. Bolegenova, Bolegenova Symbat, I. Berezovskaya, Zh., Ospanova Sh., Shortanbayeva, A. Maksutkhanova, G. Mukasheva and A. Ergalieva, “Numerical Simulation of the Oxidant.s Temperature and Influence on the Liquid Fuel Combustion Processes at High Pressures”, Journal of engineering and applied sciences, 10:4 (2015), 90-95
  2. Aliya Askarova, Aidyn Bekmukhamet, Saltanat Bolegenova, Shynar Ospanova, Symbat Bolegenova, Valeriy Maximov, Meruert Beketayeva, Aigul Ergalieva, “3D modeling of heat and mass transfer during combustion of solid fuel in BKZ-420-140-7c combustion chamber of Kazakhstan”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9:2 (2016), 699-709
  3. Isataev S., Toleuov G., Istaev M., Ospanova Sh., Bolysbekova Sh., “Impact of frictional resistance of end plates on flat jet attenuation”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10:4 (2015), 76-79
  4. Askarova A., Bekmukhamet A., Bolegenova S., Beketayeva M.T., Maximov Yu.V., Ospanova Sh.S., Gabitova Z.K., “Numerical modeling of turbulence characteristics of burning process of the solid fuel in BKZ-420-140-7c combustion chamber”, International Journal of Mechanics, 8 (2014), 39-50
  5. 4. Askarova A.S., Bekmuhamet A., Bolegenova S.A., Beketayeva M.T., Maximov Yu.V., Ospanova Sh.S., Gabitova Z.K., “Investigation of turbulence characteristics of burning process of the solid fuel in BKZ 420 combustion chamber”, WSEAS Transactions on heat and mass transfer, 9 (2014), 39-50
  6. Askarova, A.S., Bolegenova, S.A., Maximov, V.Y., Bolegenova, S.A., Ospanova, Sh.S., Beketayeva, M.T., Nugymanova, A.O., Pilipenko, N.V., Shortanbayeva, Z.K., Baktybekov, K.S., Syzdykov, A.B., “Investigation of the different Reynolds numbers influence on the atomization and combustion processes of liquid fuel”, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 50 (2018), 68-77

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