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Zvekov Alexandr Andreevich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2018)

Birth date: 27.07.1983
Phone: 8-909-515-32-64
Keywords: Spectroscopy; metal nanoparticles; chemical kinetics


A research into non-linear attenuation of light by colloids; Application of spectral method to chemical reactions' research; modelling of complex physical and chemical systems

Main publications:
  1. Boris P.Aduev, Denis R.Nurmukhametov, Igor Yu.Liskov, Alexandr A.Zvekov, “RDX-Al and PETN-Al composites’ glow spectral kinetics at the explosion initiated with laser pulse”, Combustion and Flame, 223 (2021), 376-381
  2. Aduev B.P., Nurmukhametov D.R., Zvekov A.A., Nelyubina N.V., Sozinov S.A., Kalenskii A.V., Ananeva M.V., Galkina E.V., “Optoakusticheskoe issledovanie i modelirovanie opticheskikh svoistv kompozitov tsiklotrimetilentrinitramin-ultradispersnye chastitsy nikelya”, Optika i spektroskopiya, 128:5 (2020), 659-668
  3. Ananeva M.V., Zvekov A.A., Kalenskii A.V., “Modelirovanie optoakusticheskikh signalov v sisteme s uprugim rasseyaniem i pogloscheniem sveta”, PISMA V ZhURNAL TEKhNIChESKOI FIZIKI, 45:7 (2019), 45-48

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