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Tushavina Olga V.
Candidate of technical sciences

Phone: 89295552073
Keywords: Termo-friction distraction, heat-shielding, hypersonic flow, ñarbon composites.


  1. Features of gas flow dynamics and convective heat transfer on a rough surface.
  2. Features of convective heat transfer on a rough surface of a surface of heat-shielding materials.
  3. Some features of thermo-friction destruction of carbon composite materials.
  4. Mathematical model of erosive destruction of carbon heat-shielding materials.
  5. Condition for modeling erosion destruction of carbon heat-shielding materials.

Main publications:
  1. Afanasev V. A., Nikitin P. V., Tushavina O. V., Chudetskii Yu. V., “Problemy ispytanii uglerod-uglerodnykh kompozitov dlya teplovoi zaschity vysokoskorostnykh LA”, Polet, 2004, № 3, 40–45
  2. Nikitin P. V., Tushavina O. V., “Termo-gazodinamika i teplo-massoobmen pri vzaimodeistvii sverkhzvukovogo geterogennogo potoka s ploskoi stenkoi”, Trudy MAI, 2016, № 89
  3. Afanasev V. A., Tushavina O. V., “Metody i sredstva eksperimentalnoi otrabotki mnogorazovykh teplozaschitnykh materialov v usloviyakh klimaticheskikh vozdeistvii”, Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta, 2016, № 4
  4. Afanasev V. A., Severtsev S. A., Tushavina O. V., “Snizhenie gazovykh nagruzok v kamerakh dlya polucheniya sverkhvysokogo vakuuma”, Vestnik Mashinostroeniya, 2017, № 2, 60–63
  5. Agulnik A. B., Afanasev V. A., Tushavina O. V. i dr., Gazodinamicheskie i udarnye ispytaniya elementov konstruktsii dvigatelei letatelnykh apparatov, Uchebnoe posobie, RIO MAI, g. Moskva, 2016

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