05.13.18 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems)
Keywords: boolean function, Zhegalkin’s polynomial, Reed-Muller polynomials
Methods and means of structural synthesis of polynomial logic converters
Main publications:
Akinin A.A., Akinina Yu. S., Podvalny S. L., Tyurin S.V., Methods and means of structural synthesis of polynomial logic converters, Voronezh. Voronezh state technical University, 2016
Akinin A.A., Akinina Yu.S., Tyurin S.V., “Automation of polynomial expansion of Boolean functions on the basis of the finite difference method // Sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnyye tekhnologii”, Sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnyye tekhnologii, 4:46 (2011), P. 69 –73
Akinin A.A., Akinina Yu.S., Tyurin S.V., “The method of binary-vector polynomial expansion of Boolean functions”, Problemy razrabotki perspektivnykh mikro- i nanoelektronnykh sistem - 2012., Sbornik trudov / pod obshch. red. akademika RAN A.L. Stempkovskogo., M.: IPPM RAN, 2012, P. 55-60
Tyurin S.V., Podvalny S.L., Akinina Yu.S., “Analysis of the principles of construction and formalization of a model of easily diagnosed PLA with a tunable logical basis”, Problemy razrabotki perspektivnykh mikro- i nanoelektronnykh sistem - 2010, Sbornik trudov / pod obshch. red. akademika A.L.Stempkovskogo, M.: IPPM RAN, 2010, p. 36-41