Shamin Roman Vyacheslavovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2011)
25.00.28 (Oceanology)
Birth date:
Phone: +7 (495) 787-38-03, доб. 2307
Keywords: Functional Differential Equations,
mathematical hydrodynamics.
UDC: 517.957,
519.63, 532.5, 517.9
Subject: Partial Differential Equations, Theory of semigroups, Kato problem, Nonlinear problems of mathematical hydrodynamics, freak-waves.
Main publications:
R. V. Shamin, Vychislitelnye eksperimenty v modelirovanii poverkhnostnykh voln v okeane, Nauka, M., 2008
R. V. Shamin, “Dynamics of an Ideal Liquid with a Free Surface in Conformal Variables”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 160:5 (2009), 537–678
R. V. Shamin, “O prostranstvakh nachalnykh dannykh dlya differentsialnykh uravnenii v gilbertovom prostranstve”, Matematicheskii sbornik, 194:9 (2003), 141–156
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