01.01.07 (Computing mathematics)
Birth date:
Website: https://www.mathnet.ru/links/858fac93cc044c0e8fb2faee0adb4f09/zvmmf9802.pdf Keywords: eigenvalues; eigenvectors; invariant polynomials; structural indeces; poles; spectra regular and singular; polinomial solutions; free and minimal bases of nullspace of polynomial solutions; metods of rank and irreducible factorizations.
The metod to solve eigenvalue problem arbitrary matrix (the QR-method) and its extension for regular linear pencils of matrices (the AB-method) have been suggested.
Main publications:
Kublanovskaya V. N. The AB-algoritm and its modifications for spectral problems of linear pencils of matrices // Numer. Math., 1984, 43, 329–342.
Kublanovskaya V. N. Rank-devision algorithms and their applications // J. Numer. Lin. Algebra Appl., 1992, 1, no. 2, 199–213.