01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
Birth date:
Keywords: shock and detonation waves; combustion; two-phases flows; mathematical modelling.
Main publications:
Boiko V. M., Fedorov A. V., Soloukhin R. I. et al. Ignition of Small Particles behind Shock Waves // Eighth Intrnational Colloquim on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems Minsk, USSR, 1981, in Shock Waves, Explosions and Detonations. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics. V. 87. 1983. P. 71–87.
Gosteev Yu. A., Fedorov A. V. On the theory of thermal explosion in moving heterogeneous media // An International Journal on Shock Waves, Detonations and Explosions. 2001. V. 11, no. 2. P. 141–150.
Gosteev Yu. A., Fedorov A. V. Ignition wave in two-velosity two-temperatures multiphase mixture // Journal of loss Prevention in Processes Industries. 2001. V. 14. P. 515–520.