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Gheit Vladimir Èmmanuilovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences

Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date: 5.09.1939
Keywords: enumeration of finite 2-groups; polynomials, the least deviating from zero in L[-1,1] metrics with given number of leading coefficients; the existence`s theorems of functions with certain approximate properties.


In a prolongation of researches I. Privaloff, A. Zygmund, S. Lozinskiy, N. Bary and S. Stechkin has put and has decided a task about a complete set of one-dimensional embedding theorems for basic classes of the theory of approximations (switching conjugating), which are characterized by a velocity of decrease of modules of a smoothness or best approximations continuous, and also summable functions in a periodic case. Has received, besides final conditions of concurrence of basic ordinal classes for these functions. Has developed in this connection an original technique of a construction of functions with by the given approximating properties permitting to prove an existence theorem of Bernstein type. After that, being engaged a problem of Zolotarev type about searching polynomials, least deviating from zero, has decided her special case in space $L [-1,1]$ for four ordered higher coefficients. This outcome was obtained by preliminary refinement both development of ideas and approaches available at Korkin and Zolotarev, and also at F. Peherstorfer on the given problem. Within the eightieth years of the last century has found out and has developed one of modes of cataloguing of final 2-groups, which has appeared suitable for enumeration (to within isomorphism) non-Abelian groups with a small index of their center.

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