A variation problem on shapes of planar, axisymmetric, and spatial bodies which are optimal for minimizing the convective and radiation heat of their surfaces under hypersonic flowstreaming was stated and solved. Analytic and numerical solutions were obtained for diverse variation problems on optimal shapes of bodies and their flight trajectories in the atmospheres of the Earth and other planets. A problem on finding the rate constants of nonequilibrium reactions via measurements in hypersonic flow near the flying body was stated for the first time. Numerous solutions of inverse problems were obtained via measurements in ballistic Experiments. New theoretical expressions were obtained for the coefficients of triple recombination with electrons which essentially complement the well-known formulae by Pitaevsky and Langevin.
Main publications:
Arguchintseva M. A., Pilyugin N. N. Ekstremalnye zadachi radiatsionnoi gazovoi dinamiki. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1997, 196 s.
Pilyugin A. N., Pilyugin N. N. O vosstanovlenie konstant skorostei neravnovesnykh reaktsii s uchastiem elektronov iz ballisticheskikh eksperimentov (Obzor) // Fizika goreniya i vzryva, 1997, 33(2), 39–51.
Zhuravleva G. S., Pilyugin N. N. Vliyanie vduva gaza s poverkhnosti sfery na trenie i teploobmen pri neravnomernom turbulentnom giperzvukovom obtekanii // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, 1999, 37(3), 427–434.
Pilyugin N. N., Chukin S. S. O rekombinatsii elektronov v slede za telom iz splava alyuminiya s magniem, letyaschim v smesi vozdukha s ksenonom s giperzvukovoi skorostyu // Fizika goreniya i vzryva, 2001, 37(3), 45–51.
Pilyugin N. N. Obratnye zadachi po opredeleniyu konstant skorostei neravnovesnykh protsessov iz ballisticheskikh eksperimentov // Trudy XII Baikalskoi mezhdunarodnoi konf. Irkutsk: Izd-vo ISEM SO RAN, 2001, t. 4, 159–164.