The existence of a solution of a system of boundary layer equations that arise in the hydrodynamics of a non-Newtonian liquid is proved. It is established that the rate of propagation of the perturbations is finite under particular conditions. The existence of the solution of basic boundary problems and initial-boundary value problems for systems of magnetohydrodynamics of pseudoplastic and dilatantous media is proved. It is solved some free boundary problems of non-Newtonian and conducting fluids. The method of homogenization for the boundary layer equations with a rapidly oscillating parameter is applied.
Main publications:
Samokhin V. N., “Obobschennye resheniya zadachi o prodolzhenii pogranichnogo sloya psevdoplasticheskoi zhidkosti”, Trudy sem. im. I. G. Petrovskogo, 3, 1978, 161–175