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Aleskerov Fuad Tagievich
Doctor of technical sciences (1994)

Speciality: 05.13.10 (Control for social and economical systems)
Birth date: 23.01.1951
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Keywords: aggregation; theory of choice; voting theory; binary relations; partial orders; utility theory; social choice theory.


Aggregation theory. Three models of aggregation of individual opinions to a social decision have been studied: a) the model of aggregation of individual binary relations (preferences) into social binary relation (preference), b) the model of aggregation of individual choice functions into social choice function, and c) the model of aggregation of individual binary relations (preferences) into social choice function. In the framework of axiomatic approach a complete description of local (Arrovian) procedures has been obtained. A classically rational subject is a maximizer: he chooses the best alternative(s) according to some utility function, a paradigm going back to the eighteenth century. One of the ways to overcome its well-known deficiences is to extend it to take into account insensitivity threshold as well as the context of choice. I conxtructed a systematic overview on the extended utility maximization theory covering the classic theory, the theory of the utility maximization within a context-free or context-dependent threshold, and the related preference and choice models. On this way new classes of partial orders have been obtained: simple and simplest semiorders.

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