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Ramazanov Marat Davidovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1977)

Speciality: 01.01.07 (Computing mathematics)
Birth date: 28.04.1939
Keywords: cubature formulas; assimptotically optimal algorithms of computation; Banach spaces of real variables function; boundary problems of differential equations with partipal derivatives.


The boundary problems for differential equations with singular perturbations was considered. Particularly it was one elliptic problem modeling an ideal liquid flow around the thin wing with the edge. At the Banach spaces theory it was established exactly embedding theorems about restrictions and prolongations for common less surfaces in $R^n$. the operator of best prolongation in common Banach Spaces was calculated. At the theory of cubature formulas the lattice formulas were investigated and the sufficient conditions for its asymptotical optimum about coefficients and lattices were established. The estimates were mode in scale of Winner spaces with the hypoelliptic symbols of less. The algorithms its formulas were constructed and the programs for integrations in two dimensions domain with arbitrarily boundary were created.

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