05.13.16 (Computer techniques, mathematical modelling, and mathematical methods with an application to scientific researches)
Birth date:
E-mail: Keywords: calculus of variations; optimal control; computational methods; mathematical modelling; optimal design; hypersonic aerodynamics; heat transfer.
Main publications:
Arguchintseva M. A. Shape optimization problems in Hypersonic Aerodynamics // Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Control Conference. Vol. II. July 22–25, 1997, Seoul, Korea. 1997. P. 899–902.
Arguchintseva M. A. Shape optimization problems of 3-dimensional hypersonic aerodynamics and heat transfer // Proceedings of the 14th IFAC World Congress. Vol. P. July 4–10, 1999, Beijing, China. 1999. P. 443–448.