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Gliklikh Yurii Evgen'evich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1995)

Speciality: 01.01.03 (Mathematical physics)
Birth date: 12.01.1949
Phone: +7 (961) 1833119
Fax: +7 (473)2208755
Keywords: global analysis, stochastic analysis, mathematical physics.
UDC: 514.8, 517.98, 519.216, 515.168
MSC: 58C06, 58C30, 58D05, 58D30, 58J65, 58Z05, 60H10, 60H30


Integrated methods for investigation of problems of mathematical physics, traditionally considered as far from each other, such as classical mechanics, quantum and statistical physics and hydrodynamics, are developed. Unification of these branches is based on considering the geometrically invariant form of Newton's second law or its natural generalizations (stochastic, infinite-dimensional, etc.) as the principal equation of motion. Topological characteristics of Lefschetz and Nielsen numbers type are constructed for a broad class of maps of infinite-dimensional manifolds (locally compact, weakly compact, condensing maps of Finsler manifolds, etc.).

Main publications:
Publications in Math-Net.Ru

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru

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