Birth date:
E-mail: Keywords: quantum groups, integrable systems, topological and conformal field theories; Teichmueller spaces.
Main publications:
Fock V. V., Rosly A. A. Poisson structure on moduli of flat connections on Riemann surfaces and r-matrix // Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 1999, 191(43), 67–86.
Fock V. V. Dual Teichmuller spaces // Preprint ITEP-TH-5-96, arXiv:math/9702087.
Bilal A., Fock V. V., Kogan I. I. On the origin of W-algebras // Nucear Phys. B, 1991, 359(2,3), 635–672.