Scientific interests: complex analysis, convolution operators. Description of surjectivity of convolution operator in all convex domains in terms of complete regularity of its characteristic function is given. A method of study of spectral synthesis problem for homogeneous convolution equation giving solution both for the space of holomorphic functions in tube domains and for function spaces in ${\mathbb R}^n$ is obtained. Methods of construction of sufficient sets which are used in the theory of integral representations and the Cauchy problem have been studied.
B.B. Napalkov, “Ob odnoi teoreme edinstvennosti v teorii funktsii mnogikh kompleksnykh peremennykh i odnorodnykh uravneniyakh tipa svertki v trubchatykh oblastyakh $\mathbf C^n$”, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. matem., 40:1 (1976), 115–132
B.B. Napalkov, S.V. Popenov, “Golomorfnaya zadacha Koshi dlya operatora svertki v analiticheski ravnomernykh prostranstvakh i razlozheniya Fishera”, DAN, 381:2 (2001), 164–166