E-mail: Website: https://pm.vogu35.ru/~zai Keywords: birth-death process,
nonstationary continuous-time Markov chains,
bounds on the rate of convergence and stability,
UDC: 519.217, 517.937, 519.283, 616-036.22
Linear differential equations and continuous-time Markov chains and models.
Main publications:
Zeifman A.I., “Some Estimates of the Rate of Convergence for Birth and Death Processes”, Journal of Applied Probability, 28 (1991), 268–277
Zeifman A.I., “Upper and Lower Bounds on the Rate of Convergence for Nonhomogeneous Birth and Death Processes”, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 59 (1995), 157–173
Granovsky B., Zeifman A., “Nonstationary Queues: Estimation of the rate of convergence”, Queueing Systems, 46 (2004), 363–388
Zeifman A., Leorato S., Orsingher E., Satin Ya., Shilova G., “Some universal limits for nonhomogeneous birth and death processes”, Queueing Systems, 52 (2006), 139–151
Zeifman A.I., Bening V.E., Sokolov I.A., Markovskie tsepi i modeli s nepreryvnym vremenem, ELEKS-KM, Moskva, 2008