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Volchkov Vitalii Vladimirovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2010)

Keywords: Convolution equation, mean periodicity, the problem of continuation, the Fourier transform, Heisenberg group, twisted convolution equation, two-radii theorems, confluent hypergeometric functions.


Harmonic analysis, integral geometry.

Main publications:
  1. V.V. Volchkov, Vit.V. Volchkov, Offbeat Integral Geometry on Symmetric Spaces, Birkhäuser-Springer, Basel Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2013
  2. V.V. Volchkov, Vit.V. Volchkov, Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric Spaces and the Heisenberg Group, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 2009
  3. V.V. Volchkov, Vit.V. Volchkov, “Convolution equations and the local Pompeiu property on symmetric spaces and on the phase space associated to the Heisenberg group”, J. Analyse Math., 105 (2008), 43–124

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