Quantum field theory (non-perturbative methods and mathematical questions).
High energy physics and cosmology.
Main publications:
I. Ya. Aref'eva, “Nonlocal string tachyon as a model for cosmological dark energy”, $p$-adic mathematical physics, AIP Conf. Proc., 826, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2006, 301–311 , arXiv: astro-ph/0410443
I. Ya. Aref'eva, P. B. Medvedev, A. P. Zubarev, “New representation for string field solves the consistency problem for open superstring field theory”, Nuclear Phys. B, 341:2 (1990), 464–498
I. Ya. Aref'eva, “Quantum contour field equations”, Phys. Lett. B, 93:3 (1980), 347–353
I. Ya. Arefeva, “Phase transition in the three-dimensional chiral field”, Annals Phys., 117:2 (1979), 393–406
I. Ya. Arefeva, V. Korepin, “Scattering in two-dimensional model with Lagrangian (1/gamma) ((d(mu)u)^2/2 + m^2 (cos u-1)”, JETP Letters, 20:10 (1974), 680–684