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Makarov Valeriy Nikolaevich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2021)

Speciality: 01.04.07 (Physics of condensed states)
Birth date: 22.04.1991
Phone: +79198682389
Keywords: clay minerals, electromagnetic field, gravitational field


the impact of an electromagnetic field on clay minerals; analysis of gravitational fields from bodies of complex shape

Main publications:
  1. CHETVERIKOVA A.G., KANYGINA O.N., MAKAROV V.N., BERDINSKIY V.L., SEREGIN M.M., “THERMOSTIMULATED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION OF THE POLYMINERAL CLAY SUBMICRON PARTICLES”, Changes in the structure of phyllosilicate microparticles of submicron fractions of polymineral clay with an average size of 290 nm, as well as changes in the positions of impurity ions of transition metals in the crystal lattice, were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and high-resolution electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The main composition of microparticles included clinochlore, montmorillonite, calcite, and quartz. Structural transformations were stimulated by heating the samples to 1200 K at a rate of 10 K/min. A decrease in the number of crystal structures of microparticles was recorded due to the amorphization of montmorillonite, the decomposition of calcite, and the formation of sillimanite. Structural rearrangements of crystal cells containing impurity paramagnetic ions Fe³⁺ and Mn²⁺ in submicron particles of clinochlore and montmorillonite, accompanied by displacements and changes in the chemical bonds of these ions, were recorded by the ion-electron paramagnetic resonance method. It is shown that when microparticles were heated to 1200 K, the impurity paramagnetic ions of transition metals did not go beyond their crystal cells., CERAMICA, 68:388 (2022), 441-449  crossref
  2. KANYGINA O.N., BERDINSKII V.L., FILYaK M.M., ChETVERIKOVA A.G., MAKAROV V.N., OVEChKIN M.V., “FAZOVYE PREVRASchENIYa V OKSIDAKh ZhELEZA POD DEISTVIEM MIKROVOLNOVOGO IZLUChENIYa”, Pokazano, chto SVCh-izluchenie indutsiruet strukturnye i, kak sledstvie, magnitnye fazovye prevrascheniya v oksidakh zheleza alpha-Fe–2–O–3–. V rezultate mikrovolnovogo oblucheniya tonkodispersnykh chastichno amorfizirovannykh chastits oksida zheleza Fe–2–O–3– v techenie 10 min vo vlazhnoi vozdushnoi srede dolya kristallicheskoi fazy gematita snizhaetsya na 40, ZhURNAL TEKhNIChESKOI FIZIKI, 90:8 (2020), 1311-1317  crossref
  3. MAKAROV V.N., KANYGINA O.N., “MODEL OF DESTRUCTION OF MONTMORILLONITE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE IN A MICROWAVE FIELD”, We address amorphization of montmorillonite crystal structure. Powdered montmorillonite samples with an effective particle diameter D≤630μm were treated by microwave field with the frequency 2:45 GHz and power 750 W for ten minutes in different environments. The first sample was treated in an air environment, the second one in a humid environment. The third sample was a ceramic mass with 10, NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, 11:2 (2020), 153-160  crossref

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